Walidah will be facilitated this panel discussion.
PSU Black Studies Department’s Black Bag Speakers Series presents:
Organizing and Education in Prison:
A panel with Uhuru Sasa
May 24, 2022
4 pm PST
On Zoom: https://pdx.zoom.us/j/89576025679
Uhuru Sasa is the Black cultural group inside Oregon State Penitentiary. Established in 1968, Uhuru Sasa provides cultural, vocational, and educational development for members, while also supporting community efforts beyond the prison walls.
This panel will feature formerly incarcerated leaders in Uhuru Sasa, who will discuss education and community building in prisons, advocacy and organizing in the larger state, and the re-entry back home after incarceration.
Co-sponsors: Pan African Commons, PSU Higher Education in Prison Program, Office of Academic Innovation