The 10 year memorial for Keaton Otis, a young Black man murdered by Portland police, will be held virtually May 12, 2020, 6 pm PST. Walidah will be hosting
The memorial will be live-streamed both to youtube and facebook, where we encourage folks to participate by sharing notes for Keaton and his father Fred in the comments, which we will share at the end of the memorial.
Program will include music, community members and leaders.
ASL interpretation will be provided.
Build an Altar for Keaton
We are asking for people to participate by building an altar or art or a sign and sharing a picture of your creation using the hashtag #JusticeForKeatonOtis, so we can bring this memorial and sacred space into folks' homes.
Phone banking for Oregon DA for the People
We will also be partnering with Oregon DA for the People to do a phone bank the next evening in memory of Keaton, May 13th 6-8 pm.
Keaton's Father, Fred Bryant, died trying to get justice for his son. The District Attorney would never entertain his case.
Join Oregon DA for the People to phone bank in remembrance of Black Loved One Keaton Otis. You'll be calling Showing Up for Racial Justice supporters (i.e. not cold calling) to ask if they'll sign on to the Oregon DA for the People platform. No matter who's elected, Oregon DA for the People will present these signatures along with the people's demands to the next DA.
Keaton Otis was a young Black man killed by Portland police May 12, 2010. Every month since his murder a vigil has been held at the spot he died. Started by his father Fred Bryant in his mission to get justice for his son, the community continues to this day the vigils after Fred passed away in 2013.